AM March 18, Melbourne Australia
Hey tone hounds… thanks for being patient while I get a bunch of interviews and podcasts online with the new site.
Trying to do 3 a day first thing in the morning. Good opportunities whilst we are locked down with this COVID-19 bastard bangin’ at the door!
There’ll be the first March show out this weekend – got a mountain of good material comin your way.
The new web site change over has slowed things down a bit, and I notice the number of visits has dropped. Probably because some search engines are sending people to old site pages that no longer exist. I kept the old girl going for years, so guess that’s the price to pay.
If you want to help out during this time, you can Subscribe or grab a Tee Shirt or Cap from the Store.
Catch ya soon…
Bloody good work old mate! Website is looking bonza but more impotanter is the quality podcasts still coming our way after all this time!
Keep up the good work and all the best to you and the family as the world around us goes proper mad! (Ps- hope ya got a few nips of whiskey squirrelled away for the apocalypse!)
Eugene Fastcar
Thanks kindly mate… bloody champion digging the toons and helping out the Dawg! Must be close on ten years my friend..